Value reporting

Our services include:

  • Advice on increasing the scale of external reporting. This draws on the analysis of internal management controls and key performance indicators.
  • Benchmarking current report data against best practice and industry standards

Value reporting is intended to underpin traditional financial reporting through the provision of a broader range of information from internal management control systems.

The Auditing Reform Act (Bilanzrechtsreformgesetz) stipulates that incorporated companies must also provide information on performance indicators

The four main elements of value reporting are:

  • Market overview
  • Strategy and structure
  • Value creating activities
  • Extent of financial success

Your contact persons

Gert Nacken

Gert Nacken

Business graduate, Master of Social and Work Psychology, Master of Arts Auditor, Tax Accountant


Martin Kowol

Martin Kowol

Master of Laws, Auditor, Tax Consultant
